8 Secrets to make your blow dry last longer

8 Secrets to make your blow-dry last longer

AUTHOR - DATE - 7/Apr/2016 / CATEGORY - 0 Comments

What women love most when they walk out of a hair salon is the lovely long lasting blow-dry they just got. It is never the same when we try to do it at home, rarely managing to get our blow-dry to last for long. If we are lucky, it might just stay in until we get out of the house. So what are the secrets of a resistant blow-dry? Apparently, the specialists are ready to share a few with you, so keep on reading, you are about to find out.


Be careful when it comes to washing your hair

Believe it or not, this counts a lot. If you want a blow-dry that lasts longer, even if it is not made in a professional salon, you need to have a very clean hair. This means that you will have to shampoo and wash your hair twice, before considering it ‘clean’. So make sure not to skip this part if you are aiming to get that blow-dry you want. If you are wondering what shampoo to use, Clarifying Shampoo Two from Paul Mitchell is perfect, although it is important to have a shampoo that fits the needs of your hair.

Clarifying Shampoo Two from Paul Mitchell


Watch out for excess conditioning

Using a conditioner is great, it will help detangle your hair easily and hydrate it. But, you don’t need to overdo it. Too much conditioner, applied next to the scalp, will make the hair oily faster. So it is best to use it starting from the half of your hair and towards the tips. Also, try picking reliable conditioners, which do not contain sulfates of parabens, as they are healthier for the hair and make it look incredible.


Use cold air to finish your hairdo

Once you are done with the blow-dry, finish it off with cool air. You hair dryer should have a setting for cold air as it will help you fix the hairstyle in place. It is something professional hairstylists should do as well. So this is a major step!


Get the help of a dry shampoo

If you don’t have a dry shampoo, perhaps it is time to get one because it is a very powerful ally when it comes to preserving your blow-dry. It absorbs oils, moisture and any other residues that may damage your hairstyle before term. TIGI Bed Head Urban Antidotes Resurrection Shampoo is a good example of what you can use. It is best to use it just before you are heading towards the gym and before going to bed. Gently flip the hair from one side to another, so that you can spray the dry shampoo at it’s base all over the scalp because this is where the problems begin.

TIGI Bed Head Urban Antidotes Resurrection Shampoo


Bring slight refreshments to your hair

The secret to a blow-dry that lasts for a long period is to refresh your hairdo now and then. This means to moisten the ends of your bangs and dry them again. You just need to do this to the front part, as it is enough to give the impression of a brand new blow-dry. Still, you will need to use some products for thermal protection, to avoid damaging your hair by drying it too often. It is bad enough that your hair is subjected to the heat of a hairdryer each time you wash it, let alone having to do this more often. A product like Clynol Wonder 10 Blow-Out is just what you need to use before blow drying your hair. It will keep it from getting too fragile and damaged because of the heat.

Clynol Wonder 10 Blow-Out


Avoid sweating and water

Moisture is the biggest enemy of your blow-dry, so if you want to keep it for as long as it is possible it would be best to stay away from moisture. For instance, if you want to go to the gym, use an absorbent headband while you exercise to keep sweat away from your hair. Also, when showering, you need to wear a protective shower head at all times and don’t take it off until you get out of the bathrooms. The water, hot steam and humidity will certainly ruin the look of your hair.


The pillowcase also matters

Probably the biggest worry when it comes to preserving a blow-dry is the moment when we have to go to sleep. We can do it standing up, so eventually, we will have to put our head down and sleep on our hair. Well, in this case, silk or satin pillowcases will do less damage. The smooth surface of silk or satin will allow the hair to slide and not rub to the surface, keeping it in pristine shape. Such pillowcases are not only ideal for keeping a blow-dry, but they are healthy for your hair every day, by keeping those split ends far away and preventing the hair from breaking.


Make it shine

For a blow-dry that looks professional, you will need a hair shine spray, especially if you use a dry shampoo or sea salt sprays to lock those curls. Still, be careful not to pick a spray that is too dry or uses silicone as an ingredient, as it will make your hair look artificial and greasy. The Sexy Hair Straight Smooth and Seal Aerated Anti-Frizz and Shine Spray is one example of hair shine spray.

Sexy Hair Straight Smooth and Seal Aerated Anti-Frizz and Shine Spray
You know now what to use and what to do for a perfect blow-dry, done in the comfort of your home and without damaging it. These are the secrets of a professional because all women should look amazing, regardless if you have the time to visit hair salons or not.

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Categories : Hair
Posted on 7/04/2016 by - -

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