Olivia Wilde

Get the look: Olivia Wilde (Oscars 2016)

AUTHOR - DATE - 7/Mar/2016 / CATEGORY - 0 Comments

Olivia Wilde has a stunning appearance, whether she is performing in a movie, is present at an event, or is just herself. Her full name is Olivia Jane Cockburn, Olivia Wilde being her stage name, and she is an actress, model, and producer. Her fair skin complexion and green eyes, with the hair in a shade of dark honey, Olivia is a natural beauty. She became known due to her appearance on the successful TV show “Dr. House”, but she left the series to continue her accession in the movie making industry. Her talent got Olivia roles both in comedies and dramas. Thus, she starred in a Disney production, “Tron: Legacy”, a science-fiction film called “Cowboys and Aliens”, and in the drama “Rush”. This way, she showed everyone just how versatile can be and how creatively she can embrace her parts.

It is futile to say that she had one of the most spectacular appearances at this year’s Oscar ceremony. Everything about her during that evening was simply stunning. It takes quite some courage to show up with that cleavage, but Olivia does have a silhouette that allows such daring outfits. Still, the hairdo was something rather simple, elegant, stylish, underlining her beautiful face. In case you want to reproduce that hairstyle, here are the steps you need to take, and you will end up just as glamorous as she is. Braided buns, just like the one Olivia Wilde chose to wear, are hot in the trends for this season, so don’t hesitate to do your own.

Step 1

You will need to start texturing the hair, making it look wavy, a bit negligent and romantic, before beginning to make the bun. So you will need a curling iron, one-inch wide, which you will use on your clean hair, after blow drying it first. Applying the curling iron on wet hair will burn it. To best protect your hair against the heat of the hair dryer and curling iron, use a thermal hair protector spray on your wet hair. The Moroccanoil Heat Styling Protection will be great for this purpose, making sure that the hair remains undamaged during the styling process, by
creating a protective layer.

Step 1

Step 2

Start curling your hair, by taking large hair sections and wrapping them around the barrel of the curling iron, with leaving the end out. Brush the hair before the process, because it will be very hard to curl it if it is tangled. Do this with all of your hair. If your hair is soft and you want to define the loose curls, you can use the TIGI Catwalk Curlesque Curls Rock Amplifier. Not only will it make your curls look beautiful, but will prevent having a frizzy look.

Step 2

Step 3

Once you are done with the curls, you will need to take a comb and make a deep side, in any part of the head you will prefer. For the Oscar, Olivia preferred to make the deep side in the left part, but this is mainly how you feel more comfortable. Once this side is created, you will have to take the front part of the hair, and start making a simple French braid, which should begin from the deep side. It will be worn as a natural hair crown, so this is why you have to start it from the deep side, for it to cover most of your head.

Step 4

The rest of the hair, which is below the crown, should be taken and put together in a low ponytail, centered on your backhead. Twist the hair in the ponytail in a nice and clean bun, and secure it with thin hair pins. Use as many as necessary to make sure the bun will stay in its place. It will be easier to make the bun out of several hair strands, pinned separately than to try to pin the entire ponytail. Plus, twisting the hair strands will create a bit of a volume in your bun.

Step 5

It is time to finish the bun. Take the French braid you made using the front part of your hair, and wrap the remaining of it around the bun. It will give it a more sophisticated look, much preferred by Olivia. You will have to secure the braid with hair pins as well. To make sure that this hairstyle will last a good while, use a hair fixing spray.

Step 5

The Sebastian Shaper Zero Gravity Hairspray will work perfectly as it will keep your hair in a pristine shape, without creating buildups and making it look artificial. And for transforming a dull hair into a beautiful and shiny one, without an oily appearance, the Moroccanoil Luminous Hairspray will do the trick. It has precious argan oil and vitamin E, both of the essential for healthy hair. It is time to enjoy your Olivia Wilde Oscar 2016 hairstyle!

Step 5

Natural hairstyles are in trends this season, so braided buns, ponytails, loose curls, even vintage buns, are looking great on the catwalks and high lifestyle, just like at the Oscar ceremony this year. And as you can see, it is not that hard to get the same looks in the comfort of your home. The best part about this type of bun is that it is suitable for both evening events and wearing during the day. Because it is feminine, elegant, with a clean design, it can be fitted with a broad range of outfits, so don’t be afraid to enjoy it anytime you feel like it. Also, do keep an eye on Olivia Wilde. We like her for her gorgeous appearances and beautiful hairstyles. She is a gorgeous lady with an unmistakable style, all of us having much to learn from this successful actress.

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Categories : Get the Look
Posted on 7/03/2016 by - -

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