Waterproofing your hair in the British downpours

AUTHOR - DATE - 28/Jan/2016 / CATEGORY - 0 Comments

The dreary weather in the UK makes it quite a bit of a stiff challenge for people to try and tame their hair, and since it’s almost always raining here in the UK you are going to want to know exactly how to waterproof your hair to avoid the trouble that these British downpours can cause.

Hopefully we are going to be able to help you out with a little bit of inside information!


Get your hands on an umbrella or plastic bonnet

If you are able to anticipate dreary and wet weather, you can’t go wrong in waterproofing your hairstyle by getting your hands on a quality of umbrella or putting on a plastic bonnet.

The umbrella should probably be a major part of your wardrobe anyways living in the United Kingdom where it rains almost more often than not, and a small compact umbrella won’t eat up a tremendous amount of space in your bag.

A plastic bonnet isn’t exactly the most fashionable accessories you could ever decide to throw on your head, but it will definitely help keep you looking fabulous until you get indoors where you’re able to remove it. This can also be stored for safekeeping in your everyday bag!



Use the right lotion to tame your hair on humid and rainy days

A product like the Paul Mitchell Hair Sculpting Lotion can definitely help you tame your hair quite a bit on humid and rainy days when the moisture content in the sky can really wreak havoc on your hairstyle.




You’ll still want to go for something lightweight, something durable, and something that offers all-day protection, and you’ll also want to choose a hairstyle that looks perfect even after lotion has been run through your locks.



Fall in love with a “hair sheet” to refresh your hair if you get it wet

Hair Sheets (a lot like dryer sheets that have been infused with essential oils, complex amino acids, and vitamins) can help to refresh your hair even if you have been caught outside in a rainstorm and have had the hair products you put in washed away.

A quick refresher by simply running one of these sheets through your hair and then gently blow drying them for just a few seconds (maybe 30) can have you back to looking fantastic in no time – and with no extra effort – at all!



Choose a “weatherproof” hairstyle

One of the best protections against dreary days in the United Kingdom is to choose a “weatherproof” hairstyle. If you’re able to anticipate the weather not accommodating you as well as you would have liked, you’ll want to think about moving forward with one of these weatherproof hairstyles instead of something a little bit more “involved”:

  • Topknot
  • Braid
  • Side braided bun

Each of those weatherproof hairstyles are going to work in both a casual and business setting, so you don’t have anything to really worry about!



Don’t fight your natural texture when it’s rainy outside

One of the biggest mistakes that we all make when trying to control our hair when it’s rainy outside is going against our natural hair textures.




Instead of fighting your curls, you’re waving us, or you were straight hair you’ll want to instead embrace your neck true texture with the best styling paste or texture spray you can find.



Both the Clynol Texture Construct Styling Paste and the Fudge Think Big Texture Spray can help you really unlock your natural texture without having to fight Mother Nature along the way.





Preload your hair with a moisture adding product and you’ll be able to avoid damp issues

The culprit that helps to derail your hair when it’s raining outside is moisture in the air, and one of the easiest ways to defeat its ability to throw your hair out of whack is to resist the temptation to fight and prevent moisture from making its way into your hair and instead embrace that moisture – but “taking its seat” with a product of your own rather than allow Mother Nature to kind of do her own thing.


We recommend the Moroccanoil Moisture Repair Shampoo and Conditioner “combo” to help lock in as much moisture as possible so that there is no room for new moisture to be added when you step out into dreary weather.


If you can’t beat them, join them – and steal their ability to throw your hairstyle out of whack.






Hair wax can help you add body and dimension even when the weather’s dreary

Hair wax is are becoming more and more popular, and finding the right one just might be the style secret that helps you present your hair from becoming unruly when the moisture in the air starts to get a little oppressive.

The right amount of hair wax will add a bit of a preventative layer to your hairstyle, allowing you to shed water much easier without disrupting your look. At the same time, you’ll want to be smart about how you use hair wax, as to much can look “goopy” when wet – and that’s not a look that anyone is able to effortlessly pull off.

Hopefully now you’ll feel confident stepping out with any hairstyle, even when the weather is anything but accommodating!






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Categories : Hair
Posted on 28/01/2016 by - -

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