Autumn style: feather hair extensions

AUTHOR - DATE - 16/Oct/2014 / CATEGORY - 0 Comments

Frances from Frances Cassandra shows us her favourite autumn style – feather hair extensions.

With Autumn now in full swing, it’s always nice to have a slight change of appearance to match the season, whether it be adding a dark berry lip to your makeup routine, working extra layers in to your outfit or rocking a warm, autumnal hair colour. Frances feather 1

Although I am partial to the odd highlight here and there when I feel the need to treat myself to a pamper session at the hair salon, most of the time I prefer to keep my locks away from harsh chemicals and so I have decided to add some autumnal hues to my hair in a quick and easy, non-permanent way; feather hair extensions.

The feather hair extensions I have are Hairtrade’s fittingly named “Autumn Falls” set, which consists of black, tan and auburn hues to match the crisp, warm colours of Autumn leaves, with added black and white grizzly feathers to add a unique twist to your look. The pack includes two bundles of five feathers, ten assorted-colour micro rings and a plastic loop to help you to apply your hair extensions. I prefer to use my own micro ring loop tool (pictured), which can also be purchased from Hairtrade here.

Frances feather 5 Application is super quick and simple. Choose a micro ring that matches close to your hair colour and slide it to the bottom of the loop tool. Decide where you would like to place your feather hair extension and take a very thin section (around 10 strands of hair) and place it through the wire loop, keeping the tool close to your head. Hold on to the micro ring as you pull the tool down and out, and as if by magic your hair has been threaded through the micro ring! You will also need to raid your dad/grandad/other half’s toolbox for this, too; simply place the bonded end of the feather hair extension through the micro ring and use a pair of pliers to gently squeeze the micro ring shut. Et voila! Frances feather 3

The great thing about Hairtrade’s feather hair extensions is that they are made of real feathers, meaning that they can be washed, brushed and styled with your own hair unlike synthetic kinds. They can also be removed and worn again as often as you like, and with the correct care they can last up to six months! Hairtrade offer feather hair extensions in an array of colours, from more natural hues like mine to fun purple, pinks and blues if you are the more daring kind. Check out the range here.

Have you tried feather hear extensions? How are you changing your look up for Autumn?

Frances x


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Categories : Guest Post, Hair
Posted on 16/10/2014 by - -

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