Hair Styling for Summer Events

AUTHOR - DATE - 30/Jul/2014 / CATEGORY - 0 Comments

Grace from Dorothy and Olive brings us a guide on how to achieve the perfect summer hairstyle for any of your special events:

Why is it that summer and events just tend to go hand in hand? I might not be able to shed much light on the matter, a part from the brighter mornings, longer days and warmer nights, but I can help you to take the two on head first and ready to shine.

Yes a dress can speak a thousand words, but it isn’t always the centre of attendees attention, oh no. What is it that a girl can almost certainly be judged on? Her ‘do of course.

Whether you plan to dress it down, style it up or fall somewhere in between, there are a few simple steps that will keep you on trend and looking effortlessly chic.

Hair Styling for Summer Events - Grace Parry 4

First up, it’s the shape. If you’re looking for a fierce, yet romantic look, you’ll want to start with curls. Now I know everyone has their preference, so stick to what you know. If you prefer to curl with ghds, go ahead, or if you’re much more of a wand woman, roll with it. What really matters here is the styling.

Hair Styling for Summer Events - Grace Parry 5

Start with the Luxe Oil by Wella SP and dry as normal. You’ll notice a difference in the look and feel almost instantly. Crispy curls are not what we’re looking for ladies, so keep the look sweet and smooth.

Wella SP Luxe Oil

After curling comes your style. Will you go with waves full of body or pinned and prim? Whichever if the look for you, make sure you step back from your style and spritz a little spray. Bed Head’s Masterpiece is a winner, it holds well and is scented perfectly for summer. Haven’t you always wanted your hair to compliment your moisturiser and perfume, I know I have.

Once your done with the ‘do, there’s only one step left; the glitz and glamour of course. From barbecues to garden parties and pool side to sea side, you’re style just won’t look the part if you’ve forgotten the shine. Moroccanoil’s Glimmer Shine Spray is a must in summer and forget the dress, you’ll soon find your hair will do the talking.

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Categories : Guest Post, Hair, Tutorial
Posted on 30/07/2014 by - -

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